Paul’s Transportation Services

We would like to welcome Paul’s Transportation Services to our family of clients! Jim in sales called them a few months ago and solicited them for our services. They offer limo services, airport limo and party busses.They are currently using a cleaning service for vehicle carpet cleaning and wanted a way to freshen up the vehicles without chemicals and when there is the unfortunate accident of vomiting, but there was no suggestion from their current provider how to solve this problem until we explained our Ozone services.

They currently had a cleaning service but were not too happy with them because they started off great then over time they performed poorly and missed many time to perform services, so they gave us a shot on a few vehicles and were impressed, so they signed with us.

They gave us 6 vehicles to clean the carpets which we completed and 8 vehicles for Ozone services and those were completed and were very happy with the results especially the Ozone services, we did 2 limo’s that had been vomited in and they had the carpets done 3 times and used chemicals and deodorants to try t rid the odor with no luck and then we provided the Ozone one time and eliminated the odor forever! This not only solved the problem and the aggravation but all the costs to only cover the odor just for it to return!

Thank you Frank in sales for closing the deal on this account, your time and efforts have once again added to the family of accounts!

High Five!

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