Our Process

A Process That We Are Proud To Offer...

We have seen through trial and error that all we do specifically in each area of performing our services allows each area to be more effective and efficient with positive results because each area has a specific method, specific chemical, a specific piece of equipment and a specific method ensures all areas to have a common goal and outcome.

Over time we have realized that if we have a solid proven process and are consistent with using that process, we can consistently deliver a positive outcome with satisfied customers.

Our process starts with each area that we use to perform our services such as the equipment we use, the chemicals we clean with and a proven industry employee training program.

Our Equipment: We use modern highly recommended equipment that minimizes down time and allows us to be more effective and effective with the best possible outcome.

Our Chemicals: We only use top rated cleaning chemicals that usually target a specific cleaning task and soil content with specific dilution ratios to add to an effective output. We can work smarter and not as hard by allowing the chemicals to do their intended task for a better outcome.

Our Employee Training Program: All of our training programs are designed specifically for each service we offer. Our training programs were designed through combining our years of experience and industry recommended training as well. By incorporating both allows our workers to perform more effectively and efficiently for a positive outcome and customer experience.
Part of the training is on the method of how we clean, from top to bottom, using the specific chemical for a specific cleaning task with the correct dwell times. This allows us to work with time, not against it by consistently applying a chemical or cleaning allows the process to work with us to be more effective and overall efficient as well.
Our process is used consistently for anticipated outcomes and results in a time manner that allows for a steady pace of performing cleaning tasks while reducing stress and mistakes and reduces the temptation for employees taking short cuts and diluting our quality.
By us utilizing our training methods consistently, we feel makes us a more well oiled machine.