Our Beginning: We started in 2011 because I was in an industry that interviewed and hired commercial cleaning companies to perform cleaning services at properties that I was hired to oversee. So many times I found myself on the phone with the service to complain about some area of performance! I could not figure out why it was so hard for cleaning services to do what they promise for a price they request or that they start off wonderful and slowly slip into decline!
So armed with that experience, I knew I could offer a price and a promise to consistently perform to what they customer expects and decided to start my own commercial cleaning service. We started slowly with 3 employees and quickly but steadily grew the amount of employees and customers by incorporating the values and promises that still to this day allow us to be pioneers in our field.
Limiting The Services We Offer: Rather than offering every cleaning service available to be a "One Stop Shop" we decided to only offer the most popular services that we vowed to become experts with those that we offer so that rather than diluting our service, we can focus on only what we wanted to become experts in performing. Yes, we understand that some of our clients might use us for their man provider and another company for a service we do not provide or that we might lose a contract to another company that can provide all the services they need, but we have carefully weighed out the options and again we feel rather than dilute our services, we only offer what we can be experts with.
Listening to 2 Key components: We must listen to who matters in our organization which is, The Customer and The Employees.
The Employees: We cannot be mind readers but we can be good listener's, so we always listen to the employees and our customers, especially
when it comes to their input and suggestions in areas like how our equipment and chemicals are working the best or worse. Tips and suggestions on cleaning methods that promote effectiveness and efficiency. Also workers have given valuable input to making suggestion on ways to improve ourselves while working at certain companies. We have taken many valuable insights from employees and incorporated them into many of our training programs and task assignment schedules which have proven to allow us to be more effective and efficient making the customer experience a much more positive relationship.
The Customers: We are not perfect or mind readers and when a customer gives us credit for positive performance it reinforces our efforts, but when a customer complains we address it seriously and discuss it among key players within our company and try to resolve the issue and incorporate a plan that and ensure that it is resolved and not repeated.
Doing The Right Thing: It may seem elementary for a company to do as promised, but most wait until they heard a bad review or lose the customer before they try to repair the relationship. We have learned to be proactive and check in with our customers to valuate our performance and welcome any constructive criticism, comments or suggestions. This way, if there is a gap in communication or lack of quality, we can reevaluate and repair it while it is in the stage that it can be repaired rather than try to recover.
Trust In Our Word: Again, it may seem obvious to deliver a promise, but our word is our end result and our end result reflects our promise. WE NEVER hype up a promise or dance around a guarantee. When we meet with a customer we have to first gather all the information to their wants, needs and expectations. We have found many times that cleaning services "Yes" the customer just to get the account and when they find they cannot make money with the performance that was expected they tend to cut corners with quality, time or other ways to make it work.
Because we have strong ethics and values, we will always express to the client what we need for a price to provide them with all that they are asking and expecting and we will hold true to what we promise because we have the values to adhere to the promise and the experience to know what price we need to charge to perform as promised.
We Understand You Can't Win Them All: There have been many times that we visit a new potential client and they were so impressed with our meeting that they try to negotiate a much lower price to have us be lower than the lowest bid. There are times when we might be able to revisit the price but WE ALWAYS make sure we propose a price that allows us to perform where we can without a doubt produce the quality and expectations of the customer otherwise we will be grateful of the chance to have met, but will gracefully bow out and wish them well on their next choice of a cleaning provider.
Always Updating and Trying To Improve: Some may say if it isn't broken, don't try to fix it. But we feel the exception to that rule is there is always room for anything we can do better that benefits our employees and our customers.
So we are always investigating industry articles and publications and any others that can educate us on ways that we can improve employee relations through training programs, recognition programs, etc. Because we realize that the best way to ensure we are giving our customers the best outcome is to have the services performed by happy employees! They will not only be happy working for us but will be more receptive to offering beneficial suggestions and comments that benefit our company and the customer as well.
We are constantly reviewing industry material, articles and publications that offer advice, recommendations and reviews on cleaning equipment, cleaning chemicals, cleaning materials and ways to improve methods to improve efficiency and effectiveness. We know this to be beneficial due to past information we felt would benefit our employees and/or customers and once we implemented them within our company we would then monitor and measure any improvements and found that it was beneficial to become a new permanent part of our operation.