The Hawthorne Group

Once again congratulations to the Jim and Frank in sales for landing a new client, The Hawthorne Group They own many commercial properties in NH and Mass. A lot of them are semi-high rise averaging 7 floors!
We have been soliciting them for almost 2 years and finally got the chance to provide them with our carpet cleaning at one of their 7 story buildings. They hired us to do all the carpets in the common areas, hallways, customer service station, all stairs and elevator. Mr. Cheney, one of the owners was super impressed on the final outcome especially on the heavy traffic areas and 9 heavy spots that they tried to manually clean with poor results. He has signed with us to provide the following:
Deep carpet cleaning (All areas and stairs and elevator) at 8 office buildings once a year and a light run every 6 months, if there is any emergency spills, spots or stains that occur, that will be as an “On-call, as needed requested Ticket” Interior window cleaning every 6 months and exterior every year at ALL properties. With the exterior window cleaning and them having some buildings with 7 stories, we will be renting a boom lift when the time arises, which we agreed that with any scheduled maintenance services, that they be some all on the same request ticket as a bulk service run.
They are also want us to provide them with building maintenance services at their properties on a weekly basis. And if they do any remodeling they will hire us for post-construction cleaning.
Due to the added services for this account we will be hiring 3 crew members for the building maintenance cleaning and a temporary helper from a temporary agency as a runner and wing man for the carpet cleaning.

This is a huge account and I need to offer a huge congratulations to Jim and Frank for their combined skills on landing this account! I know personally how hard you worked to get this account in our family of clients and I told you it would be any day that they would give us a trial run! You guys just keep impressing me with your results! Keep up the good work, and a HIGH FIVE to the both of you!

To my crew members, as always keep providing our clients with our mission statement in mind at all times and please remember that just because we have them as a client, which the sales team worked endlessly to get this account, it is easier to lose the account! Treat every account as it is a trial, and the outcome is what makes the decision to become our client, clean like you are being tested on each task and that will keep you focused! I won’t preach mush on that subject because based on our “Call Backs” which is super low, shows your outstanding efforts! Congrats to the crew for being the front line of defense in keeping our clients happy and allowing us to boast of our excellence! You are just as important id not more important to us than the client, for if it wasn’t for the superior outcomes that you provide, we would not have the happy and satisfied clients that we do!

So as always, thanks to Frank and Jim in sales and my crew leaders and crew workers for all you do for our company! High Five to you all!